
Just a site for some cool Fiction


on 07/02/2012

I saw a 30 Day Writing Challenge on tumblr that was probably intended for Fanfiction but I have decided to take this challenge myself. The title of these stories will be the prompt. While I did write this story yesterday, I did not get a chance to edit due to internet problems. I may not have a story everyday but I will be doing 30 stories. Without further ado, Beginning. 

Today was a beginning. It wasn’t her first beginning but it was going to be her last. She’d lasted only a year at each of her other schools before she had to move. It was the middle of Junior year and Isabelle was tired of moving. It’d been great as a kid but now it was a pain. As a kid, her credits always transferred, but now she’d often had to take classes that she’d missed or wouldn’t have taken yet. So she wasn’t always with students in her grade but instead younger students. However, occasionally Isabelle got to be with students a grade above her.

Isabelle stepped through the doors of her new school. She walked to the locker that was going to be hers for the year. She carefully twisted the dial to the numbers she was told worked. It opened on the first try. A relief for Isabelle, as it was always embarrassing when the lockers stuck or you were given the wrong combination. She saw that someone had already put the books she’d need for her classes in her locker and breathed a sigh of relief, another embarrassing moment avoided She looked at the schedule she’d received in the mail just days earlier and headed in what seemed like the logical direction of her class.

Isabelle looked at the signs above classroom doors and thought about what her friends at her old school were doing. Suddenly, she was on the floor, her books across the hallway, and a boy, with brown eyes that welcomed her like a cup of coffee, leaning over her. They stared at each other for just a quick second before he moved off of her to pick up his books and to allow her to do the same. After the pair stood up, the young man said, “I’ve never seen you around here before. I’m Michael.”

“Isabelle. I just moved here. Today’s my first day here.”

“Well, Ms. Isabelle, where are you headed?”

“English AP with Mr. Carter.”

“Hey, so am I! Are you a senior?”

“Junior, I took double English as a Sophomore.”

“What a coincidence, I’m a Junior as well. I tested out of English I as a freshman. If you don’t mind walking to my locker with me, I’ll go to class with you.”

“I’d like that a lot, Michael.”

“Well, then let’s get going Isabelle, we wouldn’t want to be late now would we?”

“No, we would not.” As she took it’s outstretched hand, she knew today was a day of beginnings that would not soon be forgotten.

One response to “Beginning

  1. JC Rosen says:

    Isabelle has a strong voice. You drew me into the story immediately. Michael is a happy surprise. I’m eager to see where this goes.

    Take care,

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